Prairie Heights
Prairie Heights
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Wednesday, Feb 12, 2025- Hours 9:10 A.M. - 3:55 P.M.
- Phone 319-848-5230
- Address 190 76th Avenue SW Cedar Rapids, IA 52404
- Office Email
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Welcome ALL to Prairie Heights Elementary School! We are one of five elementary schools on the College Community campus. We serve approximately 400 students K-4th grade. We serve students preschool through 4th grade. We are “Whole-Hearted at Heights.” We proudly work to ensure our CCSD vision: SUCCESS FOR ALL through our mission: QUALITY LEARNING TODAY FOR TOMORROW!! We have built our guaranteed and viable curriculum and enhanced our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in previous years. We are in our beginning implementation of personalizing learning at CCSD called “Prairie Personalized.” This is work to ensure ALL KIDS have equitable learning environments and are engaged and empowered learners. To accomplish this vision, we take to heart our commitment to collaborate as educators. We hope that when our students leave Prairie Heights Elementary they have good hearts, open minds and are ready for learning at the next level. We are building our strengths to foster belonging, whole-child, whole-educator, whole-community, together, whole-hearted!
Thank you, Annie Hawker, Principal, Prairie Heights Elementary