Prairie Youth Poms Clinic
Join us for our youth clinic this February!
AK -5th grade are welcome!
$40 clinic fee – includes a camper t-shirt, 1 dance routine choreographed by a Prairie Pom, and 1 ticket to the showcase on Thursday, February 13th
Showcase entry fee $10 for adults and $5 for students
Pom and Bow package available for $10 purchase at registration on Monday!
*Monday, February 10th 4:30PM-5:00PM registration
-5:00PM- 6:30PM @Prairie Creek
*Tuesday, February 11th
-5:00PM-6:30PM @Prairie Creek
*Thursday, February 13th
– Doors open at 5:30PM
– show is from 6:00PM – 8:00PM
@Prairie Creek Intermediate – Activities Entrance
During the two clinic days, your dancer will learn a routine that they will perform at the showcase on Thursday, February 13th!
Registration for all camps and clinics are online through InTouch Receipting. Click on the link, login to your account, click on your student and then “Register: Summer Camps and Other Events”. Select the camp, clinic or event and follow the registration instructions.