SEBH – Social Emotional Behavioral Health
SEBH is a system of school-wide expectations for students, staff, and visitors which focuses on acknowledging the positive behaviors that students exhibit daily.
Our Prairie Heights Promise describes the expectations at Prairie Heights in all common areas
and classrooms. This promise of expectations will be taught and positively reinforced throughout the school.
Heights Tickets
A Heights Ticket is a way of staff acknowledging students showing respectful, responsible, and safe behaviors.
Students put their tickets in a classroom bucket.
All tickets are collected and counted. School-wide and classroom celebrations occur throughout the year to celebrate our success and reaching goals.
Heights Tickets at Home
A great way to start conversation with your child about their day is to ask specific questions.
Here are some examples:
What games did you play at recess?
Did anyone do anything nice for you?
What would you rate your day on a scale from 1-10? Why?
Tell me something you learned about a friend today.
What rule was the hardest to follow today? Why?
When did you feel most proud of yourself today?